The book of perpetual are publicly shared registry that contains basic information about the legal status of the property. Are available for viewing on the website of the Ministry of Justice: >>>
The book of perpetual are publicly shared registry that contains basic information about the legal status of the property.
Browse the content of the land register
If viewing the land register is access to the Internet and the knowledge of the full land register number that I'm interested in the person who wanted to see it. What's more, you can save the data viewed on your computer or storage medium or even print. Prints documents which have the power of documents issued by the Court are paid. Download copies of the ordinary and it is possible to complete the system of EKW (Elektroniczne Księgi Wieczyste - electronic book of Perpetual) Centralnej Informacji Ksiąg Wieczystych (CIKW) /Central Land Registry Information/ after the appropriate fee. For example, for print (pdf) of the normal land register to pay you 20 PLN, and for a copy of the full 50 PLN. Details are given under the tab "introduction for the user" and "User Instructions", of which it is worth using. However, for your needs, you can save files to the accounts on your computer in the form of html files with .lnk extensions by clicking the right mouse button on the option to "Save as", then they are not, however, under documents issued by the Court, but only illustrative. You can also edit the "off-line" using any Web browser, which can be useful at a time when, for any reason, we will not have access to the Internet, and you'll want to take advantage of the information contained in the system CIKW.
How to read the entries in the land register?
Each book consists of 4 sections, each of which can contain specific data:
Section I consists of two parts:
Section I-O: „Designation of the real estate”
The data from the land registry, buildings and premises: we can find here information allowing identification of the property and its surface. Geodetic data and address such as information about building in the case of built-up land building, number of storeys, storage space, etc. When in the building are extracted offices, given their numbers and assigned to one specific "local" paper. That is in the land register, colloquially called "dirt road" or "depending on the design of" you will find information about the existence of the House is given the address of, and the designation of the land register, where you can find detailed information about the place.
Section I-Sp: „List of rights relating to property”
Includes the right of ownership of the property (this applies to both ownership and perpetual use). When the paper is flat (a separate premises or a cooperative ownership right to place), then in this part of the paper included information on the participation of the owner (user) in common property-be it a fraction in the common parts of the building and of land. Here you can also read or participate in the ownership of the land is commonly called. "full" ownership or perpetual use. If the paper is for the plot, it is precisely in this section is information about the use of infrastructure on adjacent parcels. When the plot is in the usufruct, is from the book to read for as long as the right is established a perpetual use, as well as how you can use with the plot. Therefore, in Division I are contained sufficient information to determine where in so far as the administrative County, municipality, village, an area the property is located and how it is marked: plot number over geodetic, address, area (premises, plot).
Section II: "Ownership"
Indicates the owner, user, perpetual or entitled to a cooperative ownership right to the premises, including in particular: names and name of each of the owners (co-owners) estate, including names of parents, and in the case of physical persons-more often (not always) social security numbers. In the case of joint proprietorship also has information about the part of the shares held by each of the joint owners. In section II we find also information how and when (in which the notary) a person has the right (by the way, sales, fall in donations, etc.).
Section III: "Rights, claims and limitations"
There are loads and constraints in real estate regulation or usufruct, as well as personal rights and claims on the property included, limited rights in rem-easements and priming the incriminating use of the property (excluding mortgages). In this section shall be entered such rights as such. easement or use for energy plant or gas plant, the aim is to ensure access to these devices if you need to repair them. In section III , we have for example, a third party is not entitled to claim for the acquisition of this property, the right of pre-emption or repurchase. If the third section contains any entries prior to the conclusion of the transaction, consult an attorney. Here also you can find for example. the claim for the purchase of real estate, if the preliminary contract the sale was concluded in the form of a notarial act, and the buyer has secured an interest by typing its claim to the book. However, the most common such claim relates to development contracts, then the claim to a developer to build homes on the block, separate from the premises and the transfer of ownership shall be entered in this section is in the land register. There also are claims activities, to warn potential buyers that the matter of long takes place at a bailiff. In section III are also data about real estate Manager (specify how the Board of Directors of real estate), and when in the community has been concluded the agreement about how the use of common property, it's also information about how to use the plots belonging to the block, and even specific parking spaces if this has been fixed. Entries to this part of the land registry offices can make.
Section IV: "Mortgage"
There shall be entered on a mortgage with collateral claims on third parties, for example. entries for mortgages to protect the most credit, a loan or other financial obligation incurred by the owner or joint owners of the property. Mortgage may be established both on the property and the specific participation in real estate. In the FOURTH section of the paper you will find accurate information about for example. date of conclusion of the credit agreement, its number, the name of the Bank, the debt amount, type of currency, extent, type, priority, as well as other properties established real estate mortgages. It is clear that from the point of view of the buyer before the acquisition of such property, make sure that the mortgage has been deleted, or is deleted, what will provide the buyer with a Bank confirmation of the clause "that after the money transfer to the bank account indicated the rest to repay a specific amount of credit the bank will release the new owner permission to its deletion". Currently, the deletion of the mortgage will cost 100 PLN, and the fee is when applying for cancellation of a mortgage in the land registry Court Accountant responsible for the property. It is clear that these 100 PLN buyer should obtain from the seller real estate. Removal from the register of mortgages is also an entry in the land register and consists on the KW-WPIS.Mentions
Changes in the registers shall be made by the Court on the basis of the applications submitted for entry. In CIKW, which is made available to the public via the Internet, on application, we can observe the emergence of the so-called. notices informing that the section of the paper has been submitted for registration.
And Yes, if you mention appears in:
* Section I, is a complex entry may be the correction area (after inventory), address (e.g. after changing the name, street number), an item description.
* Section II, then it is probably the application for registration of the new owner (disclosure of its rights to property), which should be a warning signal for each person potentially interested in buying it. But it can also go for example. about correction of names of the current owner of the resulting for example. with the adoption of a new name, or its second section, so you need to check it out.
* Section III, there may be a warning entry of initiation komorniczego (execution of real estate), or entry on the prohibition of the sale imposed by the Court (restriction on property regulation).
* Section IV, inscribed mention can mean the entry request security on the land register by the creditors, or ... a request for removal from the register of mortgages.
Outdated references can be found on the gray paper by electronic means. In the books of the paper they are underlined in red. If you mention is not underlined, this means that it has not yet been considered by the Court. The only way to find out what the specific mention of concern is to go to the Court and an insight into the Act portfolio book. The best thing to do is personally from the owner or a notary.
The information available on CIKW are covered by guarantee public faith mortgage. This means that the legal status of the property is the same as that recorded in the General Ledger, and so it should be taken. In CIKW has information showing the current and reliable legal status of specific property, which allows you to determine whom and what rights you have in this connection. Physically it is a cardboard folder with files such as notarial acts (sales, donations, etc.), applications for entry, extracts from the register, surveying maps, documents authorising entry and plot of mortgages, legal provisions on the acquisition of property by inheritance, etc. For permission to access to the file, you must submit your interest for example. through the document, that is the owner or user of the property in perpetuity. From the right to view folders also has a notary or an authorized employee of the law firm. When performing the above actions may be accompanied by przeglądającemu us employee of the Court. File file contains all the documents on the basis of which the Court has made entries in KW. To make entries in the land register is authorized judge or judicial legal Secretary, who represents the land registry Court accountant.
Land registration to the necessary document to the conclusion of the contract of sale is a sale. Real estate brokers are particularly obliged to verify that the entries are of absolutely no doubt and suspicion at the time when the accept property for sale by your real estate agency. If you have any doubt please explain request from the owner, or if he is not able to explain, you must apply to the relevant authorities in order to clarify inconsistencies.
In December 2014 virtually finished "migrate" mortgage, which is their computerization, which began in 2003. All newly established paper perpetual founded and conducted in electronic form.
June 16, 2010 public access system it is running. It is estimated that at the moment, the system provides access to about 20 million books.